Thursday, December 12, 2013

The decision has been made

I have decided that I will finish every. Single. Project that is currently on the needles, before I cast anything new on. Except a pair of socks, maybe. In my head the reasoning is sound. We have a new yarn store, you see. And that new yarn store carries needles. You see where I am going with this? No? Oh. Well in my mind, if I get everything off of the needles, and I put all of those needles into my needle case, I will be able to see what I have, and what I am lacking. I could do this by simply looking at what I have, or making a list, but I like the nice, tidy idea of having it all clean and n Organized with everything finished up. A good way to ring in the new year. So what do I have to finish? Not much, since I keep the cast on bug pretty well at bay most times. There is this blanket
Which will be finished with one more ball. And two sweaters, one of which has been on the needles for three years, and a sock. Oh, and another blanket with three skeins left. I can totally do this in three weeks time. Right? I have had a couple things come off of the needles.
For a neighbors new grand baby. And this:
For the amazing button ladies new family member. I traded for a yarn bowl. *squee* I am sure I can do this. Really. No problemo. All I have to do is knit. Full time. Like a mad woman. With no children, bisiness, or life. Totally doable. Especially since tonight is the first weekly knit night at our new LYS!!! I am ridiculously excited. Hours of uninterrupted knitting time. All for me!!!

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