Sunday, March 6, 2011

I am back!

No really. I swear! I know I was slightly back before, but now I mean it. For realz. You see, what happened was that I lost my password. I actually knew my password, but blogger apparently didn't because each time I carefully entered my password it would stubbornly tell me I was wrong. It was worse than my teen daughter. I can recover my password you say? Well yes, but I actually got very busy with fiber. And moving. Oh, and becoming a mother to five, instead of three. That, and I did not know that I could recover it, but I hate admitting that there is something I don't know.

Now let's talk about the important stuff. My mini farm. I have been a little obsessive about house hunting, when in fact we were not actually looking to move. Well you know what happens when you house hunt? Bet you do. You sometimes find houses. In fact you sometimes find the most perfect house EVER! And then you sometimes convince your husband that he really does love you enough to move away from his comfort zone, and everything he could ever want, to your dream that is based on your hobby or "obsession" as some might call it. So sometimes you put your house on the market, move to your dream home, buy chickens, sheep, goats, angora rabbits, and horses and then spend every second of everyday living in complete bliss. Even if you sometimes already actually owned the horses by the way.

So now I look out my back window (by the way I have 76 windows to stare out) into my own little piece of heaven. There are trees enough to appear like a forest. And there are sheep staring back. THIS is the life.

Oh, and I mentioned that going from three kids to five thing. I will fill you in on that next.

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