After the successful publishing of my least post I have decided to attempt a picture.
This is the table runner I made in like -10 min. It is crochet, because crochet is fast. It is an entire cone of cotton, because cotton is cheap.
My blog about being real in my homesteading world as a home-schooling, attachment parenting mom, dairy farmer,. Fiber artist who is passionate about knitting, spinning, pattern designing, circular machine and flat bed knitting.
After the successful publishing of my least post I have decided to attempt a picture.
This is the table runner I made in like -10 min. It is crochet, because crochet is fast. It is an entire cone of cotton, because cotton is cheap.
This really is just a test post. I have continued blogging, but blogger will not post anything. I believe this is because I add pictures. However, what is a blog without pictures??? I have a whole slew of unpublished blogs. I have thought about uninstalling the app to try again. I worry that all my drafts will be forever lost though. Oh blogger, why must you torture me?
I have turned to the dark side. It is with shame that I admit that I have been crocheting. Knit is still queen, of course. Of course. That is a given. But I needed to make some blankets, and crochet just makes sense. I have discovered that crochet is not soft like knitting. It can take the softest yarn and turn it lumpy. I have discovered that crochet eats yarn for breakfast, which is why most crocheters use cheap yarn I bet.... I have been using cheap yarn. Who am I???? I have also discovered... That I love it. I really love the act of crocheting. I don't love the yarn usage, and I don't love the product, but I love the act itself. That counts for something. It doesn't give me the satisfaction that knitting does, but the instant gratification is pretty awesome. I am currently crocheting a broomstick lace blanket for my oldest son. He has been begging for a really soft blanket. This isn't it. He is getting it anyway. What he wants is a hand knit, fingering weight, 100% baby alpaca. What his maturity level gets him is a crochet acrylic. Sorry buddy.
Here is where I would inset picture number one, if blogger wasn't a jerk face.
My other new passion? I got a knitting machine. I love it so much. Of course I equally hate it. There is a large amount of give and take here. I have knit a few sweaters. She is a finicky beast. She doesn't like acrylic. Or worsted. Ok, she only liked fingering weight yarn. And only really high quality fingering weight. She also reserves the right to break up with any yarn at any given time. This usually happens when a project is 3/4 complete. She isn't big on commitment. She is also fairly lazy, and whines and cries if I ask anything of her beyond stockinette most days. Still, I love her fiercely and enjoy the sweaters she has allowed me to create. She needs a name, but nothing has been perfect yet.
Here is where I would insert picture number two.
And here is where I would insert 389 pictures if my adorable, intelligent, perfect 20 month old.
See how boring life is without pictures??
Being a mom is hard. Really hard. (I know. I just totally caught your attention by using a title, and first line that literally every single home school mom has used)
But really, being a mom sucks sometimes. Being a homeschool mom with children that are always here (always. They never leave!) Is intense. Intensely rewarding, intensely heartbreaking, intensely panic attack inducing... the list goes on.
I am not a great mom. I try. I try super hard. I always fall just a little short of the goal. Still, so far I have kept track of them. I currently know where each and every one of them are. Well, mostly.
But I wanted to share a few pictures of my life. I want to be able to look back and remember that I fought a battle, and I won. (I hope. Please tell me I win.) I want to look back someday when all of these short people are grown, and successful, and think "I created that." Hopefully I will be saying it in a *sunshine, rainbows and butterflies sigh* sort of way, and not a *how many years in prison??* sort of way.
This morning I was (am) grouchy. My throat hurts, I am tired, and dieting generally sucks. (I am always dieting, so it is just a given here)
I needed a fee minutes to myself, so I made the mistake of stumbling to the bathroom and closing the door. I know better. I know better than to think that my butt hitting the toilet seat isn't like an alarm going off at midnight directly in my children's ears. They think "she is stuck. She can't move. Now is our time. Victory is ours!" And within less than s minute, this was my view.
I finally finished the Jen. Blocked and everything. I have decided that it is indeed love. I was so very up in the air. It is a fine line between love and hate.
But this? This I love. I love the sleeve length. I love the modified neck. I love Llama Lace. I love to love the Jen.
So much in fact, that I am to the sleeves on another Jen already.
The baby started walking several weeks ago, but he would sit down every time I tried to get a picture. Just over the last week he has decided that crawling is for the birds, and has started walking full time. He is just so. Darn. Cute! I can hardly stand it.