I love knitting. I truly love it, like a fat kid loves cake. (Let's face it, what I mean is "like i love cake.) Some days I can hardly control the love.
And some days I can hardly love the love.
This is Rowe in Frog Tree. Frog Tree is no more, and that is a very sad thing since their yarn is delicious. Oh, and the company was all sorts of awesome.
Rowe began with a beautiful tubular cast on. We are just getting acquainted, but I can see a long, happy relationship.

This is going to grow up to be Ink. The sad thing, the bitterly horrible thing, is that one of my needles seems to have run off somewhere. I had neglected it in the knitting bag for... well a long while. But I did carry her everywhere. Unfortunately, that means the lost needle could be anywhere.
And a Jen, of course. This is my addiction. I knit it over, and over, and over again. She is perfection each and every time. The pattern is probably my favorite ever.
Until this time. It has taken me forever to knit this particular Jen, and... I kind of hate her. I feel no love. I keep knitting with high hopes that will change.
And this sexy beast (the sweater, not Ben, though Ben is positively adorable) is The boyfriend sweater (Again, the sweater, not Ben). It is finished, and had been for awhile.. except blocking. I have yet to block this puppy.

And since this is a out my fine creations over the last year (which will continue to be posted about, playing catch up) this is my finest creation. He is so perfect.
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