Thursday, April 28, 2016

Week 6

I have always considered the sixth week to be the end of the newborn stage. I won't lie, my heart is sad. I feel so blessed to have him, but seeing him grow so fast, and watching the time slip by so quickly is hard. I feel that it is so important to really live each moment, and as much as I try, it feels like I have not been able to reallty accomplish that as much as I wouldwould like. Still, I am really loving each minute. 

This week little mister continues to smile, and has started laughing... Well his interpretation of a laugh anyway. It is just a single chuckle before he gets confused.  He also loves the song "bla-lump goes the little green froggy" and will imitate my tongue movements. Doesn't get much more adorablw than that. 
This is a jacket his big sister made him. And the tongue mommy made. 

The mommy also made the hat. 

All better. 

I love these little pants. They make me giggle. 

This is his pepper dog. She loves her boy. 

He is so alert and studies thing like no new baby I have had. Here he is, studying the ceiling fan. Fascinating. 

His favorite activity still. 

I would hate to say it outright, but Santa ain't got nothing on this baby. Belly!!!

He still does a fair share of this adorableness. 

Wearing the pants I hated to knit. 

Yes, totally worth it. 


 Our first blow out. It was rather impressive,
And just kept going,

And going. 

In truth, he probably just wanted to be back in hand knit apparel. 

This is how I shower. Set him on a sheep wool rug. He knows if we try to fake it. No acrylic for this lad. 

So much personality!


And miles,
And miles of smiles,

 And personality.
He isn't fond of the carseat, but his sister is willing to bend to his will. (While not moving, of course)

It is rare that he naps while not being held, so I had to capture the miracle.

His sister stores him, but the truth behind this picture is that I took it

To prove that he wasn't as flat headed and weird looking as this picture with Fredrick the mouse made him appear. 

And then there is this. This right here. This is my favorite picture to date. He loves his daddy so, so much. So do I. I love his daddy more each time I see them together like this. 

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