Another glorious week. The little guy has decided to give us a run for our money, and is a bit fussy.. In other words, he cries pretty much all the time. I don't mind a bit. I love to hold him 24/7.
First time in the bassinet his wood working uncle made.
Morning cuddles with sister while mommt Mommy milks the Goats in the morning. They both love this time.

First time in the boppy.
Another hat mommy made.
I had to get a picture of him in his carseat to show how tiny he is.
This is how he sleeps. He isn't nursing, but firmly believes that the only safe way to sleep is with this face plant. I scoot back and forth across the bed all night in an attempt to let him breath. It is a loosing battle.
Sugar cane hat!
Loving the uncle.
First time in the bouncer.
First time in "real clothes" instead of pajamas. This was in prep for his 2 week check up, where the Dr declared him perfect. He weighed 7 pounds 13 oz, so a gain of 11 oz. He was 20 3/4 inches as well.
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