Thursday, July 22, 2021

The good things in life

I stopped using Blogger for a long while because of technical errors, but while talking with friend's today we were joking about how our Littles would believe that they never had any fun, but thw good times with our older children were well documented.  My sweet friend talked about how her Littles were doing something fun, and her husband said "Remember when we were new parents and we would have been over there taking pictures and blogging all about it?" So she told her oldest child to run over and grab a couple pictures for future proof of their joy. Yes, sometimes being the parent is amazing. 

My children are growing so quickly.
  My oldest daughter lost her sweet husband 3 1/2 years ago already.  How time flies.  She has since married a wonderful new man that is kind, giving and helpful.  He has a good heart, and better yet, he had two beautiful children to contribute to their marriage.  That means that my daughter is thw mother to 3 beautiful children now.  She was pregnant when Jacob passed, and there incredible son is turning 3 in a month. 

   My oldest so is doing great things.  He is working toward a great career as a Heavy Diesel Mechanic.  The best news though, is that he will be marrying the perfect woman in less than two months.  We couldn't be more pleased.  

The youngest 4 are growing so quickly.  They are 16, 12, 11 and 5. They are enjoying summer immensely,  and spen thw day swimming with friends at a local lake today.  The entire lake is only knee deep, and SO much fun.  It is beautiful to boot.  

Now for the important stuff:

This knitting, and other fiber goods.  I had a goal for the last year to knit a sweater a month.  I completed that goal, plus some.  I still find great joy in my knitting.  There is no way I will be able to finish documenting this properly..
Those will have to come a couple at a time as we go along. 

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