Friday, June 5, 2015

Controlling the stash

Or maybe only thinking you are controlling, but in reality, enjoying how it controls you.
Yesterday I went to the stash, and we had a good chat. A chat about behaving, organizing, and getting in our place so that the new puppy doesn't continue gnawing at us.
Then I sat and had a wonderful time, enjoying my yarn. I sorted it (again) and then I sealed it into lovely little food saver bags. I think my yarn is happy, all wrapped up cozy, away from puppies and moths. I am not done, of course. This isn't a one day activity. But I made real progress. I also used the time to update some of my stash on ravelry. I should do that more.

We are about to start summer vacation. I really love summer. Lazy days, lots of playing, lots of knitting. My kids are home with me full time, but summer is different. We cancel all appointments, and I let my kids be kids. We spend a lot of time in the mountains, and that suits me fine.

The youngest is already finding entertainment.
Cup stacking

Bow building and breaking. The sad face kind of melted my heart. The bow actually worked pretty well, until it snapped in half. 

And to kick off summer, my friends amazingly adorable son came over and sang while playing the pink uke. It was awesome. He has a talent!

And in devastatingly sad news...

I have a sad story. It is a story of a shawl on $45 engraved needles, lost for weeks. Then found, in love and joy!! Then put tenderly into the knitting bag. Then the story takes a horribly violent turn. It was the middle of a dark and stormy night. A terrible beast ravaged the land, leaving shawl and engraved needles a pile of ruin. Complete destruction. Never to rise again.

The beast is bold, and found contentment in the evils of her way.

1 comment:

  1. I am shocked and saddened by this unexpected turn of events. Let us all hold a moment of silence for the fallen
