Thursday, March 12, 2015

Knowing when to say goodbye

Sometimes in life good-bye has to come. In the life of a knitter, and a knitted object that can be an extra hard thing. We can always darn, pick stitches back up, re-knit damaged portions. And we always know that if all else fails, "that will block right out." But sometimes, just sometimes, there is nothing that can be done. Conditions beyond our control rule sometimes. Sometime you just can't save them, try as you may.
Sometimes it is just time to say good bye. That being said, I don't yet think it is time for this washcloth. I think it has a couple of good months left. Someday soon though, it will be time to say goodbye.

And move on to better things, like new moth proof storage for yarn. I got 48 skeins in one jar. I was pretty sure that it was the most accomplished thing in the world, until my oldest, the grass fed angel, said "well, they were small skeins."

And onto other excitong things like new Frog Tree Pediboo that came in. 3,000 yards of Frog Tree Pediboo. Mmmm. 3,000 yards of amazeballs. 

And new things like Tunisian Crochet, with Noro. Which is beautiful. And not mine. It was made by the owner of our LYS, Twisting Fibers. She is amazing. 

And on the farm
Cuteness is growing. This beef is growing way too cute. 

And the new chicks are turning out stunningly.

And the kids are growing.

And becoming extremely naughty. This isn't his mother. And he isn't nursed. He is bottle raised. In typical man style, he will latch on to anything that will hold still long enough. 

My amazing husband has been making cheese like crazy. It is such a time consuming, precise science. This is chipotle cheddar. I love a strong, spicy cheese.  

He built a cheese cave in the basement. Because he is a man . It is like watching a mother with her newborn. So attentive. Only use the best. Watch it constantly. Adjusting even when the newborn cheese was perfectly comfortably sleeping. 

It really is pretty cute. I am married to one very sexy man. 

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