And here is one that I just love in the same pattern. Though I will never work with acrylic again unless forced.
AND in some of the best news EVER.. my son, the child of my loins. One of the three most amazing things I have ever made has decided to knit. I am so proud. I taught him yesterday and he has spent many a minute working on it. With his extremely short attention span this is saying something. I also taught him to crochet because the two needles were hard for him to keep a hold of. (note to die hard knitters: I do not condone this behaviour, but if he can gain a love for yarn.. well you see) I could not be more proud than I am. If he told me he was running for president or going to be a Doctor it would not compare to this.
Hey, thanks for slaying such a beast for my sake!!! or thanks for knitting my beautiful afgan even though it caused you much stress and kept you away from your socks i love it!! thanks again