Thank you for weaning me gently. As I tried to sleep last night I took a minute to watch you breath slowly, and I was instantly overwhelmed with gratitude for your choice to wean me gently.
I am so thankful that you floated through infancy, and into toddler hood gently, instead of overnight, even though it felt far too fast.
I am thankful that you melted from that toddler, into my child with ease, instead of being ripped away.
I am thankful that you didn't instantly sleep in your own crib in your own room from the start, but that you slept only with me, on my chest for the first many months, then transitioned to sleeping cuddled next to me, lending my your softness and warmth.
I am thankful that you took your time transitioning to your Arms Reach co-sleeper slowly as the years went on, though it still feels like you are constantly drifting away, into your own person.
Again, I thank you for always needing me, and wanting to be as close as possible, though less so as you find your own world.
I thank you for allowing me to hold your hand just a little longer than needed, hold you a little tighter, and kiss your Golden locks just a tad too often.
I thank you for being afraid to leave my side at your first play date, and for looking back to make sure I was safe as you played at the park.
I thank you for asking me to put your shoes on, and dress you even after you were physically capable.
Thank you for accepting my breasts with vigor, and weaning me slowly with time.
It seems that each day that goes by you need me just a little less, and I am thankful that you still curl in my arms and ask for comfort in the best way you have known since the moment of your birth.