Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pregnancy progress in pictures.

I have been taking pictures of this pregnancy all along, mainly for the sister wife's benefit. I didn't intend to share them, but have decided to do so. I may even have a series of pregnancy posts, now that I am far enough along that he could live outside of the womb, and be considered a person by others than myself.
Before, modeling my Gwendolyn sweater.
12 weeks:

16 weeks:

18 weeks wearing Liesl:
 19 weeks:
 20 weeks:

21 weeks:
Almost 22, wearing Gramps Cardi:

23 weeks:

24 weeks:
28 weeks
31 weeks

33 weeks. Wearing my 3x  tractor shirt from Tennessee, and looking a lot grouchier than I feel. I didn't crop this photo because it made me laugh. And cry. Moo.

Let the Christmas knitting begin

 It is almost December. Maybe I should have let the knitting begin a tad sooner.  I have three major projects, so I will be doing a fair amount of knitting.

 I am starting with this 100% silk from Maharashtra. It is divine. It will be a shirt for my mother. I feel confident that putting that out there will not ruin the surprise considering that she has yet to learn to turn a computer on. Her daughter stalking skills are not up to par. 
The pattern is Walk Along
I wanted to share a couple of excuses why I am late to the knitting for Christmas party. 

I knit two pair of these boot cuffs. I added adorable wooden buttons, and sent them promptly on their way to the intended home.   Without pictures of the finished product. Oops. 

The pattern was well written, and easy, but left a huge line of purl sts up the back.
Cabled boot topper
I added my own design feature, which I didn't notice until the topper was done. I left it. I know!!! But maybe they will never notice, or think it is "charming."
Then I knit these boot cuffs, which turned out killer cute. 
And in the biggest news of all time, I finally finished these pants!! They are super cute, but I almost hate them. They. Took. So. Very. Long!!  And my needles broke. Dang tiny needles. But they are done, and yay! The pattern is from inside my brain. I remember none of it. Sorry. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My foray into sewing

A seamstress I am not. My mother always has been, and has had high hopes for me all my life. High enough that I own two very nice sewing machines, and a serger courtesy of her. I have dabbled in it a bit here and there, but it has never held for me what knitting does. I forget this every couple of years, and spend an afternoon remembering. Today is that afternoon.
Yesterday I decided that this baby is going to need a couple of blankets and some nightgowns. (Yes, nightgowns, for ease of bum access) I went to three fabric stores, and started to remember that fabric is expensive. I bought a few yards, some thread, and scissors. I also purchased a measuring tape, but that was for the knitting bag. I came home exhausted, with plans of sewing today.

This afternoon I brought out my favorite of the two sewing machines. I then spent four very long hours setteing it up, realising I had done it wrong, and setting it up again. Fifty times. I think I finally got it though. Maybe.
 I grabbed the fabric, and remembered (because a friend reminded me) that I had to wash the fabric first. I had to wash it, and dry it. You know, because a family of 7 living on a farm doesn't already produce enough laundry.

So I washed it. Then I dryed it. Then it was wrinkled. Apparently seweing requires ironing as well. This just goes to show that sewing doesn't know me that well at all.  I don't even iron my kids church clothes. The iron and I? We aren't close.  However, I dragged out the good old iron, and spent an hour ironing. Then I remembered.

I don't actually like to sew because it involves such a small amount of sewing.  I am not going to give up. I am going to make a couple of blankets. This baby deserves that. Then I will pay someone else to make nightgowns. That sounds fair.