We have some new kids.
Meet Kushka, who looked like this when he arrived:
And now he looks like this:
He is a gentleman. That really is the only way to describe him. We rather adore him and the sweet humming noises he makes. Plus, Alpaca fiber is my favorite. Happy times all around.
We also got an amazing girl named Kandy.
She is Polly's sister, and they look a lot alike. Kandy is darker in color. They are both such well behaved, sweet goats. I think my favorite part is that she is like her sister in her love for my baby. <3 <3 <3 She gives about 4 cups a milking, and Polly is giving about 3 cups. Fresh, raw goats milk is just yummy, but we also us it for many other things, like:
Making amazing butter. And
soap. this is a dye free, scent free oatmeal soap. We have played with the recipe and each has been wonderful.
Then I tried my hand at:
Felting. I love felted soap, but I really am not a huge fan of felting. I don't like the feeling of the wool felting in my hands. It just feels wrong. I am hoping that I can convince my felting friend Beth that she needs to start felting soap.
Also new on the farm, just yesterday:
We are so thrilled to have her. She is a little old lady, and she
loves our little old man. We are hoping that she is the perfect addition to the farm.
We purchased a horse in June. He is a 5 year old qtr horse. He has not worked out well at all for us. He is mean to the old man, and has no respect for the humans. I traded him for this sweet old lady, and I am really hoping that things work out. The other horse has caused a lot of lost sleep, and stress.
And one more new on the farm:
The boy of interest. He is a great kid, and he and my daughter have become great friends. He has made her transition back into "public" school a lot of fun. I am so happy that she is choosing good friends. I think every parent worries about their teen. We worry about the choices they will make, if they will be lonely, or will they make the right friends. I am proud of this kid. She is such a blessing.
And just for fun:
We went to the Fair with the in laws. Blackmail. Brand, spanking new blackmail.